What is your level of attractiveness?

  • By Paul Numan
  • Posted 22 July 2022

What is your level of attractiveness?

In today's world most if not all are afraid of any type of evaluation, especially when it comes to dating. But whether we like it or not everyone is evaluating everyone every moment of the day, they may not say what they think but that's not stopping them from thinking it. The massive upside to understanding one's level of attractiveness is the ability to match people to others they click with. So unlike in the real world where someone may brush off your encounter because they see you as less attractive physically - but if that person really knew your level of attractiveness they might think differently.

There is no doubt post Covid that people are tired of online dating but whether we like it or not according to a study by the Imperial College Business School in the UK, shows that by 2035 approx 50% of all couples will have met online. This means only one thing, that finding that someone special will become a solvable mathematical equation. The artificial intelligent dating algorithm will work out your personality and level of activeness and then proceed to locate suitable matches.

Given that 2035 is over 13 years away, the current batch of popular dating apps are a long way from solving the dating conundrum for the majority - but what is prevalent among daters in 2022 is the need for understanding one's level of attractiveness. Among today's youth the worrying trend of searching for validation of self worth online, this has become clearly evident after the global lockdowns where the youth suffered the most. Dutch researchers from a leading dating service found that many use dating apps for validation (using matches merely as an assessment of one’s own level of attractiveness), or for the thrill of receiving a match but having no intention of pursuing a date.

This different form of dating app use and the rising app adoption rate is not just among young. Given that it's been over 10 years since dating and hookup apps became mainstream, the statistics show a strong correlation between the low rates of marriage combined with high usage of dating apps. According to Paul Numan, CEO of Katch.ie “This paints a dark picture of a dating scene for people who are serious about finding a spouse. In the past decade, we've learned that more time spent on dating apps doesn't necessarily lead to better dating. Dating apps have proven that anyone can get a date, but making a real connection that forms into a lasting relationship is an all different ball game.”

It's not only marriage that this new phenomenon of search for our level of attraction has affected but probably worse off is our mental health. According to Audrey Tang, author of The Leader’s Guide to Resilience, poor mental health and loneliness, looks set to continue to grow among singles. According to UK government figures, the number of over-fifties experiencing loneliness is likely to reach two million by 2025 – a 50 per cent increase in 10 years. Yet it is those aged between 16 and 24 who are the most likely to report feeling lonely, with women more susceptible than men. Similarly, the number of people living in single-person households also continues to rise. Already, in large cities such as London and New York, roughly a quarter of people live alone.

So for a dating app like Katch to really understand a person’s level of activeness and to assist in establishing a strong happy relationship doesn’t seem that bad after all - may help increase marriages and decrease loneliness nationwide. So find out if you are a Katch or not!

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Paul Numan is a leading dating expert on mingling and finding the perfect partner among the crowd.  He is CEO at Katch and has over 20 years experience in information technology and business relations.  He is an avid party DJ and a former kickboxing champion in Ireland.

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