Singles are way more picky on dating apps than in real life

  • By Paul Numan
  • Posted 8 August 2022

Singles are way more picky on dating apps than in real life

We have analyzed the behavior of dating app users and concluded that 62% of dating app users scroll through profiles at the speed rate of 1 profile per 7 seconds. This figure might sound astonishing but according to the Swedish marketing institute in Stockholm, buyers of household items give new products less than 3 seconds before making a buy or pass decision, meaning that people really look quickly at the branding and style before making the buy decision. Comparing these findings to online dating, ever since Tinder launched their shopify version of dating, people have had the ability to shop singletons in the same way they would a shelved household item in a store - ten years on people now see this as the norm of how to find a partner or at the very least intimacy. We all know now that this process of finding love is flawed.

To prove this hypothesis an Irish based dating app called Katch ( held a private dinner party for 16 random strangers (8 men and 8 women) in Wexford town, the last weekend of July 2022. Before the event all attendees were shown photos of the opposite sex and asked to like or dislike each profile. From this initial profile sharing no matches were created, meaning a male and female did not both press like on each other. At the dinner party there were free drinks and all had the opportunity to relax and chat with each other at length. After the party we asked each attendee to again like or dislike one another but this time we saw 4 matches established. This result correlates the same thesis where food products that offer free samples in stores have a 50% better chance of sales than new products that don't offer taste samples.

The result of this dinner party shows that singletons look for the most attractive profiles on dating apps and leave little to the imagination, but if offered the opportunity to interact and get to know one another have a better matching.


Paul Numan is a leading dating expert on mingling and finding the perfect partner among the crowd.  He is CEO at Katch and has over 20 years experience in information technology and business relations.  He is an avid party DJ and a former kickboxing champion in Ireland.

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