Katch empowers students to come together and solve majors issues such as accommodation shortage in Dublin

  • By Paul Numan
  • Posted 31 August 2022


Collectively people can move mountains but quite often in crowds people feel their most vulnerable.  Katch helps students to feel empowered while working together on majors issues like accommodation shortage and at the same time breaks down barriers of meeting others for the first time.

“Katch is the perfect face to face service for students union staff and club/societies administrators to engage real time with their members and also enabling subtle introductions to new students so they can feel at home in their new surroundings” says Paul Numan, CEO at Katch.

College is a massive psychological step for all and it's a time when students interact with new people on a large scale in a short space of time.  Katch aims to facilitate those encounters to make it as positive as possible for all.

If you are a students union representation or clubs administrator, we would love to hear from you.

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