How Katch Events can make you confident on your first date

  • By Paul Numan
  • Posted 12 October 2021

How Katch can make you confident on your first date

Would you feel more comfortable to go on a date with a stranger you only texted with or with a person you have video chatted? The right answer should always be video chat. Yes, it does feel awkward to video chat with a new person – but this is where the Katch Events are going to help you out.

Every Saturday Katch organizes Singles Dating Events throughout Ireland in a relaxed virtual bar atmosphere. During the event, you should expect to video chat, or as we say – mingle, with different people who match your personality. How is the atmosphere relaxed and how does it resemble the bar? Well, every event has a DJ broadcaster who will guide you through the mingling sessions and lift your mood with some good tunes. All you have to do is have the drinks in handy and here’s the result – we have a relaxed virtual bar.

These short video dates can tell you more about a person than a month of texting. You will see how they really look without filters, how they talk and express themselves. When you meet them in real life, you will feel more confident and comfortable around them.


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