Date someone you are not attracted to
This May Bank Holiday weekend try something completely new and go out on a limb to chat with singles you are not attracted to. Think of the lines that looks won’t hold a relationship together so look to other virtues in people that create a meaningful connection. Quite often visual standards of others hold singles back, where they feel they need to maintain a physical standard of approval as to whom they date or interact with.
So many people swipe past people they seem as less attractive on dating apps but on paper would be perfect for one another if they sat down together for 20 mins and chatted. In the early nineties in Sweden a Dental School made an error on the admissions and accepted all the lowest ranked applicants. Those students who received acceptance were amazed but instead of not meeting the university standards during their education they excelled and became the highest achievers ever recorded. The exact same could hypothetically be said about giving someone you are not attracted to a chance.
Dating is all about exploring the real you so get out there this weekend and have fun interacting.
Visit our CEO on Tiktok who explains this concept from an Irish man’s point of view –